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1:In order to prevent the earthquake, I have prepared batteries in reserve.

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According to the IEA (International Energy Agency, 2009), Taiwan in 2007 per capita emission of carbon dioxide in 2nd highest in the East Asia and South Asia, ranked 18th in the world, is 3 times times the per capita emissions in the world.

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我建議你直接買多益叢書系列的書籍來看~現在很多都有mp3檔喔~如果想要多益考高分的話直接K多益書比較快,像是NEW TOEIC全真試題大全系列,新TOEIC考前四周完全攻略,TOEIC 官方課本等等~這些書都不錯~對於你在公司上班需要用到商用英文都有幫助~南陽街的哈佛補習班有在賣,可以去看看喔~如果想了解一些生活會話我個人覺得看電影學英文還不錯^^

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Soon to be repeated if you wish

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第一篇Yesterday in the afternoon, Tom's friend approximately he went to the park to play, Tom has not said with father and mother, has run! After has played for an hour, the weather changes gradually dark, also under the rain comes, Tom said to his friends: 'does not use the worry! The rain stopped! We continue to play!'.But, when they must continue plays, the distant place suddenly blows the tornado, the thunder and lightning crash, but also under the torrential downpour, Tom's friends frightened hurry paohui the family, Tom only then thought by now the situation was not right, therefore used the coat to keep off the rain, ran along the road went home.Is going home on the way, he saw all around trees all are blown down by the wind! The distant place tornado as if also leaves him to be more and more near, Tom runs while cries, he feared oneself can whirl away by the tornado, from this time in blind father and mother! Thinks of here, he starts to regret from the very beginning has not said with father and mother must exit to play this matter.After will run has been near ten minutes, he finally saw own family, also saw entrance tense father and mother, Tom happy flushed goes forward to grasp them, and said to father and mother: 'father and mother sorry! Let you worry! I 絕 to will not be later able in like this!'

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流浪狗在台灣的數量有在持續增加,因為許多人遺棄他們的狗因為他們不想養了。雖然很多人試圖要拯救這些狗,但他們無法支付用在狗上龐大的開銷。所以,政府需要解決這個問題,他們用安樂死術來控制狗的數量。愛護動物者非常反對這個政策。 狗的安樂死術一直是格有爭議的題目。雖然如此,卻並沒有任何滿意的方法。

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American movies, English Literature and Greek Mythology

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1.Can you feel my sincerity?
2.Of which places have you been to Taiwan?

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We were a family of 12. 

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(十分痛苦 )的英文翻譯

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