
Buddha status signifies various meanings. If you understand what it signifies, it becomes a teaching material. A lot of the statues are works of art, allowing an artistic learning and understanding towards Buddhism.


Buddha is a status where one fulfils complete wisdom and blessedness, without deficiency in either retribution. You would be reminded the completeness of great wisdom and blessedness that Buddha has achieved whenever you encounter a Buddha statue, and one should also vow for the same, devoting the pious conduct in order to reach the ultimate enlightenment.

On the other hand, Buddha is the teacher of all fundamental truth and virtue. You come across a teacher when you come across a Buddha statue, which promotes persistent reminders of and appreciation towards all earnest teachings from the great Buddha.



1) “很多佛像是藝術品,教學藝術化” – 這句中文感覺有點不順,所以英文翻譯改成 “發展成藝術化的認識並學習佛法”

2)“見賢思齊” – 英文裡並沒有這相應的成語,所以只能從佛學的角度用形容的方式來翻譯:one should also vow for the same  一個人應當發願如此...

3)根本的佛教翻譯非常廣泛,而同樣地英文裡也沒有相應的詞,也只能再度:all fundamental truth and virtue




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