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Confusions said
might you go to sleep with itchy butt... (前兩個字不確定

A=Anthony I=Ian G=Guy W=Woman

A:That's not how you open the fortune cookie
This is!
I:Dude, that's dangerous!
A:""Danger"" is my middle name
G:Give me all you milk
A:Who the hell are you?!
G:I can smell the milk
Tell me where it is!
A:It's over there.. in the fridge
G:Thank you, darling.  ( = =
Oh~ milk!
I:That was pretty weird
A:Which part ...[the] fact that?
some guy just stole our milk
or the fact that he kissed me?
My fortune predicted that I'd meet a guy with an eye patch
A:So is your... fortune cookie gonna to predict the future again?
I:Yeah. that was pretty firetrucking weird, right?
(註: 暗指fxxxking
A:What is this saying?
I:Get the shovel
A:There is NOTHING here, man
I feel like I am an idiot
Like a sort of...... ancient language
(Black Beard's Secret Treasure)
...OMG, dude, we're gonna be rich!
A:Come on!
....What is it?
I:It... says that...
you and I.... get.. married ( XD
A:Wait! like..
I:..like I married you?!
How is this possible?
A:It's.. not!
I:But the other two fortunes were correct
But I'm not a gay! Are you?!
A:You're kidding?
I:So.. that is a.... YES?
Jesus, Ian, it's just a.... stupid... fortune cookie
Forget about it!
I:No, Anthony. You don't understand
It's for telling the prophecy
There's no way around it (應該吧 = =
What if... What if this is all.... meant to be..
Anthony Danger Padilla
Will you marry me?
A:You need [a] help
I'm wanna just divorce you anyway!
W:Damn it!
Our plan has failed
How are we gonna make money on that website now?
....I knew we shouldn't have paid for that billboard

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