目前分類:未分類文章 (1091)
- May 29 Wed 2013 10:00
- May 29 Wed 2013 09:57
- May 29 Wed 2013 09:13
- May 29 Wed 2013 09:09
- May 16 Thu 2013 19:20
I graduated from the University of Science and Technology Ming-management system, the school has been revised financial management, knowledge management, financial accounting courses and the results shown in the top 10 classes, for the financial aspects of the work of a high degree of interest, so I take the consumer , Marketing management. I often use extra-time to improve myself
with knowledge, and to obtain relevant license financial goals, in the language often read English magazines, books and reports in English in Business Week, Wealth the magazine there are more intake, I have the Take this victory to identify the work.
- May 16 Thu 2013 18:45
商用英文英翻中 需順暢
這一切是否意味著可以很有把握地無視於社會責任的問題? 並不盡然-不過他們僅是這個平衡方程式裡的一部份. 公司企業的本份職責並不是為了解決世界的問題,他們也不必要. 畢竟,公司股東也希望樂見投資能回本. 那就是為什麼經營管理者需要將環境納入回歸成自身的業務問題的一部分並且決定有時是真的能為環保負出.
並非所有的企業都能因關心環境而從中獲利.有些人也可從這所描述的方法中取其中之一--有些案例中不只一種方法-----而效法之. 在任何等級比例上,對於環境管理機會上做一系統性的審視,對於時間來說是值得的. 富有想像力與能幹的管理者若將環境視同為本份職責的一項議題將會發現天地萬物的潛在價值是超出他们所能理解的.
- May 16 Thu 2013 17:50
Textile and industrial fibers respond to the environment according to their chemical composition and microstructure. Since fibers are typically semi-crystalline, they are generally more stable to both chemical attack and temperature then are wholly amorphous linear polymers. Polymer fibers are very good; indeed, they are the material of choice in some applications, yet they perform poorly in other environment. For example, polyolefins are virtually inert to inorganic, making polyolefin fibers useful as battery separator; however, polyolefins, like most other polymers, do not resist degradation in ultraviolet light. Consequently, polyolefin tent fabric is stabilized so that it can tolerate long exposures to sunlight. We will probe into the cause of poor ultraviolet stability in polymers and discuss ways to stabilize fibers.
- May 16 Thu 2013 16:06
- May 16 Thu 2013 15:17
!!!請幫忙將句子翻譯成日文 謝謝
本論文是以麵包烘焙為主題,探討如何烘焙及挑選食材 .
(本論文は、バンを主題にして、パン焼きと食材 を探るものである。)
- May 16 Thu 2013 14:57
請幫我翻譯以下日文句子 謝謝
話說 要住哪裡呢?
- May 16 Thu 2013 13:46
商用英文英翻中 需順暢
這一切是否意味著可以很有把握地無視於社會責任的問題? 並不盡然-不過他們僅是這個平衡方程式裡的一部份. 公司企業的本份職責並不是為了解決世界的問題,他們也不必要. 畢竟,公司股東也希望樂見投資能回本. 那就是為什麼經營管理者需要將環境納入回歸成自身的業務問題的一部分並且決定有時是真的能為環保負出.
並非所有的企業都能因關心環境而從中獲利.有些人也可從這所描述的方法中取其中之一--有些案例中不只一種方法-----而效法之. 在任何等級比例上,對於環境管理機會上做一系統性的審視,對於時間來說是值得的. 富有想像力與能幹的管理者若將環境視同為本份職責的一項議題將會發現天地萬物的潛在價值是超出他们所能理解的.
- May 16 Thu 2013 13:19
Although our government and president is a wimp, but are those war cry yellers aware of consequences of war? Calling war is really just cheap talk. Taiwan is a small country and I doubt many will carry real action and lay their bodies down for such justice of one person. Would cheap talkers take responsibility of the consequence they cause?
- May 16 Thu 2013 13:03
- May 16 Thu 2013 12:25
Google Blogger怎麼消除插入圖片的預設漸層邊框?
- May 16 Thu 2013 12:24
- May 16 Thu 2013 12:00
- May 16 Thu 2013 11:00
- May 16 Thu 2013 09:38
哈囉~我是Allen 我的組員有1234我們本來是想帶小朋友一起畫畫的,但因為一些因素下我們改變了我們的行程,以遊樂的方式去貼近小朋友
- May 16 Thu 2013 08:31
- May 16 Thu 2013 08:16