How tragic is it, in the name of Apollo, I shall help.
Orpheus, the land is no longer green, even birds stop singing too, the whole world has sunk into your sadness 
due to your music, 
I shall help and guide you, to get Eurydice back from the underworld.
Are you really going to help me?
Yes, trust me, it's for the world's sake too.
You must depend on yourself from here, safe her with your sincerity.
Use your music to show the them how much you mean it.

I'm here to get my wife back, would you mind offer me a ride?
Don't be silly, go back to where you belong, this ain't a place for the living.
Guess I'll break the rules and let you in, hope you can too touch the heart of the underworld ruler.
My underworld is trapped with your grieving music, just tell me why you're here.
請你放過我的妻子 Eurydice,讓她重回我身邊好嗎?
Please let Eurydice go, let her come back to me.
I beg you, I can't live without her, I'd wait forever for you to say yes.
讓Eurydice 走吧,Orpheus對她的思念難道你聽不見嗎?
Just let her go, can't you see how Orpheus longed for her?
Since Persephone begged for mercy, I'll give you one chance.

You can take her now, but you can't look back until you've left the underworld,you're not allowed to look or talk to her, or else you'll lose her forever.
Now leave, don't worry she'll follow you. 
Dear Apollo, I'm willing to exchange my life with her's.

So this is the legendary lyres? Orpheus's lyres?
Yeah, what do you think? I stole it from my dads.
How cool, I heard it can summon the spirit of Eurydice and the souls from the underworld by playing it. 
Wow, that's exciting, you wanna try?

I'm just kidding around, what you're scared?

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